COPYRIGHT....................................................................... Copyright is included in the above prices for personal use only. Contact the office on 08 9397 0506 or email for business or commercial use (includes advertising). DIGITAL QUALITY................................................................ Low Res: recommended for website, computer or facebook use Med Res: best used for advertising purposes in some magazines eg; Horse Deals High Res: for personal printing and required by some magazines. POSTAGE................................................................
Postage will be added during checkout according to photo size. Up to 25x20 =$3.30, 35x28 and Over = $5.50 PHOTO MONTAGE.............................................................
A stunningly elegant way to showcase your horse. Use an additional 1 or 2 photos in your personalised Montage.
Add the additional Photo Numbers in the Instructions Box that you want to include in the Montage.
Montage with 2 x photos $65.00
Montage with 3 x photos $85.00
You do not need to purchase any size of the original photo - just select the Montage option.
The Photographs that are chosen must be suitable to be used in the Montage. Please contact the office on 08 9397 0506 or email to discuss the details of the photos and style of the montage.
See the Montage Examples Below....